The Flip Florida Land Ebook – Affiliate Program


The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle

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Get a chance to earn approximately $498.50 per sale when you make a sale using your unique affiliate link!

Join our Affiliate Program!

Get a chance to earn approximately $498.50 per sale when you make a sale using your unique affiliate link!

Click on one or more of the links below, to find out more about the affiliate program.


Click one or more of the links below to find out more about the affiliate program.


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Earn about $498.50 per sale with the Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle affiliate program!

(The word “about” is used because there may be additional fees subtracted due to credit card transaction fees, etc.)


Join our Affiliate Program!  Follow instructions below:

1. Click this link and sign up for a SendOwl account. It is free.

2. Once you join SendOwl, you can follow the instructions to get the affiliate link.

3. Once you get the affiliate link, share it and promote it and, with every sale you make using your affiliate link, you earn about $498.50

4. If you don’t have a SendOwl account, click this link to get one. Signing up is free and takes about 5-to-10 minutes.

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Introduction / Create Hoplink / E-mail message ads / Pre-sell Email Ads / Signature Ads / Banners / Articles / Videos / Helpful Stuff

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Start Here
At this website, you’ll find tools you can use to make money marketing “the Flip Florida Land Ebook bundle”, a variety of ebooks along with a plethora of bonus content that share valuable strategies you can use to find, buy, and flip properties–land, houses, mobile homes–in Florida or, with slight modification, anywhere else in the U.S. for fun and profit, and techniques you can use to make money online and more. Plus, this ebook bundle includes bonus content, too!
Where is the ebook bundle?
At these websites.
What happens when I join the affiliate program?
When you join the affiliate program (free to join, takes about 5-to-10 minutes), you’re given an “affiliate link”. When you share the affiliate link and someone clicks on that link and makes a purcahse, you get paid an affiliate commission of about $498.50! (The payment takes about 30-to-45 days to process, and you get paid via PayPal.)

Who am I?
Hi.  I’m Michael Kemp. I go by the name Kris Kemp. I’m a writer, musician, photographer, videographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur. I specialize in writing e-books and copywriting for sales pages, squeeze pages, landing pages, and email sequences.
I put together “the Flip Florida Land Ebook bundle” in order to make money online and offer a variety of tools and strategies that anyone can use to begin making money flipping Real Estate, making money online and offline, and more.
With “The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle”, I hope to:
1. Help people get strategies that they can use to make money online
2.  Help people become the best version of themselves
3. Help affiliates earn money online (about $498.50 per sale)
4. Make money online so I can work smarter, not harder, by offering a high-value course that exceeds the expectations of those who purchase it.
Kris Kemp
347-557-5487 (please text first)

To get started as an affiliate for “the Flip Florida Land Ebook bundle”, follow the steps below:

1. Click this link and sign up for a SendOwl account. It is free.
2. Once you join SendOwl, you can follow the instructions to get the affiliate link.
3. Once you get the affiliate link, share it and promote it and, with every sale you make using your affiliate link, you earn about $498.50
4. If you don’t have a SendOwl account, click this link to get one. Signing up is free and takes about 5-to-10 minutes.

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Earn about $498.50 per sale!
Follow the steps below to earn $498.50 per sale. Imagine raking in hundreds-of-dollars a day for only a few hours of work, done from your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any combination of these.
To get started as an affiliate for “the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle”, follow the steps below:
1. Click this link and sign up for a SendOwl account. It is free.
2. Once you join SendOwl, you can follow the instructions to get the affiliate link.
3. Once you get the affiliate link, share it and promote it and, with every sale you make using your affiliate link, you earn $498.50
4. If you don’t have a SendOwl account, click this link to get one. Signing up is free and takes about 5-to-10 minutes.

E-mail Message Ads
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Copy these adds and use them in:
  • e-mails
  • autoresponders
  • broadcast messages
  • forum posts
  • media release
E-mail Message Ad #1
Suggested Subject Line
{!firstname} Revealed: The Secrets to Finding Bargain Properties in Florida or Anywhere Else in the United States – inside …
IMPORTANT:  Add your affiliate link at the bottom of the email.  If they click on your affiliate link, and make a purchase, you earn $498.50!
In what is perhaps the most shocking announcement made in some time regarding the vast world of the real estate investing, a Florida resident has just released a very private “secret” he’s been using for the last three years to work at home for himself.
He admitted without hesitation that he’s made thousands in profits working only a few hours a week, usually from the comfort of home.
On one of his deals alone he netted over $16,700 profit as a result of what he calls a simple system that anyone can use.
This system has proven so valuable that he’s finally decided to share it with the rest of us.
Why has he decided to spill the beans on his secret methods for finding bargain properties anywhere in Florida, and selling them for big profits?
“There’s literally thousands of properties, both land and houses, available at bargain prices anywhere in Florida,” he explains. “I’m tired of hearing stories of people getting ripped off by realtors, so I decided to give the public this information so they could get a piece of the property investment pie. It’s big enough that there’s plenty to go around.”
As his e-book bundle has just been released, you can get it for the one-time price of only $997 dollars.
$997 dollars might seem like a lot of an e-book bundle, but consider this–the e-book bundle is valued at over $3 million dollars.
To claim this special offer right now, visit: (put your affiliate link here)
(your name)
(your affiliate link)
P.S. As this e-book bundle contains the shortcuts to fast wealth and is “hated” by moneymaking gurus who don’t want this information out of the bag, this website may get shut down at anytime, so act fast!
E-mail Message Ad #2
Suggested Subject Line
How to Find Bargain Properties anywhere in Florida and resell for Big Profits
IMPORTANT: Add your affiliate link at the bottom of the email.  If they click on your affiliate link, and make a purchase, you earn $498.50!
What if you could learn how to find and buy a house in Florida for $2,800 and sell it for $20,000?
Think it’s impossible? Not according to a former pizza delivery driver who’s discovered the secrets to finding and buying bargain properties anywhere in Florida and flipping them for big profits.
On one of his first deals alone he netted over $16,700 profit as a result of what he calls a simple system that anyone can use.
“Anyone can do this,” admits the former pizza guy who know makes thousands selling something everyone wants–properties in Florida. “There’s so much land available for bargain prices, it’s just people don’t know how to find it, or the procedures for buying it. My book explains all that.”
This system has proven so valuable that he’s finally decided to share it with the rest of us in his book that’s taking the internet by storm.
Why has he decided to spill the beans on his secret methods for finding bargain properties anywhere in Florida, and selling them for big profits? Won’t this create competition?
“Using one of the three techniques I mention in my book, you can find thousands of properties, and that’s just in one county alone,” he explains. “When you understand that there are 67 counties in Florida, it shows you there’s room enough for everyone to learn how to do this, and earn big profits.”
His book identifies three ways to find and buy bargain properties anywhere in Florida and sell them for big profits. And the author admits he’s happy to finally getting the information out there, as it creates a more fair playing field for first time investors, even with as little as two hundred dollars.
“Even with the slowdown in the real estate market, there’s still room to make a lot of money doing this, because my book shows you how to find bargain land and sell it at bargain prices, while still making nice profits.”
Curious? Check out his book for yourself at the link below.
To claim this valuable offer right now, visit: (your link)
(your name)
(your affiliate link)
P.S. Right now, you have a choice to make. You can continue doing what you are doing and getting what you are getting, or you can make a new choice and get a new result. Whatever you decide to do, I wish the best for you and your loved ones.

Pre-sell E-mail ads
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Buyers are more likely to buy from you on the 2nd e-mail. Use these e-mails below to send 2 e-mails to your e-mail list. Send the first. A few days later, send the second. In the first e-mail, you mention that you will review my book and send them a follow up e-mail with your review. In the second e-mail, you send the review. This gains your reader’s trust and inspires them to buy the book.
You make $498.50 a sale. Use these pre-written e-mails to sell the e-book bundle and make money working smarter, not harder
IMPORTANT: Add your affiliate link at the bottom of the email.  If they click on your affiliate link, and make a purchase, you earn $498.50!
Pre-sell E-mail Ad #1
Pre-Sell Copy #2

Signature Ads
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Signature ads are those hyperlinks you see below a person’s name in their e-mail. For example:
(your name)
(your affiliate link) – Discover how to flip properties for big profits and make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world
See that phrase below (your name) that, when you click on it, opens another website? That’s a signature ad. Once you add this to your email, typically, they are automatically inserted into every outgoing email that you send.
How to set up a signature account for your e-mail:
How to setup a HTML email signature in Gmail (
How to set up a signature account for your e-mail (
What a signature account looks like:
(your name)
(affiliate link) – description of benefits that the affiliate link offers
Signature Ads that you can use:
Signature Ad #1


Signature Ad #2


Signature Ad #3



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Banner ads are one of the best ways to promote any site as you can simply place them somewhere on your site where visitors will see them and click on them. Also, you can reach out to people who have a website negotiate a monthly or annual rate for them to place your banner ad, which will lead to your affiliate link, on their website.The most common standard sized banner seems to be 468 x 60 pixels in size, but this doesn’t mean that other sizes can’t be used. On the contrary, different sized banners spice up the look of your site.You can either:1.   Add one or more of these banners to your webpage(s)
2.   Submit these banners in banner exchange programs
3.   Use them as advertisements on other people’s sites
4.   Or use a combination of two or more of the aboveJust use the codes below each one in the scroll-boxes and they will automatically open a new window to our site with your affiliate link already built in. You may of course modify our code how ever you wish to fit your preferred placement elsewhere.


Banner Ad 1 (500 x 125 horizontal banner)

Revealed: How to Make Money Online So you can Work from Anywhere in the World!

Insert this banner ad
Copy and paste the code in the box below into the source of your web page where you would like the banner ad to appear. Just add your affiliate link in place of the “put affiliate link here” area.
Banner Ad 2 (486 x 129 horizontal banner)

revealed: the proven strategies to flipping properties & making money online so you can work from anywhere in the world

Insert this banner ad
Copy and paste the code in the box below into the source of your web page where you would like the banner ad to appear. Just add your affiliate ID in place of the “put affiliate link here” area.

Banner Ad 3 (486 x 60 banner)

Discover how to flip properties in Florida for fun and profit and make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world

Insert this banner ad promotion now!
Copy and paste the code in the box below into the source of your web page where you would like the banner ad to appear. Just add your affiliate ID in place of the “put your affiliate link here” area..

Banner Ad 4 (236 x 250 banner)

Discover how to make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world

Insert this banner ad promotion now!
Copy and paste the code in the box below into the source of your web page where you would like the banner ad to appear. Just add your affiliate ID in place of the “put your affiliate linke here” area.

Banner Ad 5 (250 x 167 horizontal banner)

Discover how to make money online so you can work from anywhere ... click here to get started right now

Insert this banner ad
Copy and paste the code in the box below into the source of your web page where you would like the banner ad to appear. Just add your affiliate ID in place of the “put affiliate link here” area.

Discover how to flip properties in Florida for fun and profit and make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world
Banner Ad 6 (198 x 250 banner)
Insert this banner ad promotion now!
Copy and paste the code in the box below into the source of your web page where you would like the banner ad to appear. Just add your affiliate ID in place of the “put your affiliate link here” area.
Banner Ad 7 (236 x 250 banner)
Discover how to make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world
Insert this banner ad promotion now!
Copy and paste the code in the box below into the source of your web page where you would like the banner ad to appear. Just add your affiliate ID in place of the “put your affiliate linke here” area.


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Article 1
Article Title
New E-book Bundle Reveals How to Make Money Flipping Properties and Make Money Online
Article Content
{!firstname}, In what is perhaps the most shocking announcement made in some time regarding the vast world of the Real Estate investing, a Florida resident has just released a very private “secret” he’s been using for the last few years to buy properties at bargain prices and resell them for profits.Also revealed in this e-book bundle is how to make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world!Regarding Real Estate investing, the “secret” he shares is how he finds and buys bargain properties anywhere in Florida and resells them for big profits. His book reveals three ways to do this.As so many people are moving or looking to invest in Florida, he has a steady stream of people wanting to buy his properties.He admitted without hesitation that he’s made thousands in profits working, for the most part, from the comfort of home.”I haven’t worked a 9-5 job in years,” he admits. “I just follow the steps and make money. Anyone can do this.”On one of his deals alone he netted over $16,700 profit as a result of what he calls a simple system that anyone can use.This system has proven so valuable that he’s finally decided to share it with the rest of us.But wouldn’t that create competition for himself?”There’s literally thousands of properties, both land and houses, available at bargain prices anywhere in Florida,” he explains. “I’m tired of hearing stories of people getting ripped off by realtors, so I decided to give the public this information so they could get a piece of the property investment pie. It’s big enough that there’s plenty to go around.”According to the author, his friend Vinnie made $17,000 dollars equity on his first property purchase, using the techniques in his book. They used to work together at Papa John’s a few years earlier.”I’m a college dropout,” the author admits. “If I can do this, anyone can.”See for yourself by visiting the link below:(your affiliate link)Get more details by clicking the link above.Be in touch,(your name)
(your affiliate link)P.S. If you have any questions about this course, feel free to email me at my personal email: (personal email)
Article 2
Article Title
How to Profit off the Coming Florida Land Rush
Alternate Article Title


How to Find Bargain Properties Anywhere in Florida
Article Content


{!firstname},Heard about the Florida land rush? You will!It seems like every day, thousands of people retire and move to Florida or even if they are not retiring, people are moving to Florida.There’s a land rush going on … as these new residents are looking for houses to occupy, land to build on, and investment properties to call their own.You can actually find Florida properties–land and houses–at bargain prices. You can buy it for a low, low price, and resell it to them for a profit.As a matter of fact, I bought a house for $2,800 and sold it for $20,000. My book will show you how to find deals like this.And no, this is not about buying a house or piece of land and spending $40,000 to make improvements. This is nothing of the sort.A few years ago, I discovered 3 ways to find land anywhere in Florida, buy it at a bargain price, and resell it for big profits. Doing this has enabled me to work from home. And it is a blast.But learning how to do this required a year of hard work, poring over records, looking at maps, and asking questions–lots of questions.Learning how to do this requires steps, so I wrote them all down. Those steps became this book, that will show you how how to find and buy bargain properties–both land and houses–anywhere in Florida, and sell them for big profits.Check out the profits you can make by clicking the link below:(your affiliate link)(your name)P.S. Click the link above and bookmark it. There’s a lot of information and it might take more than on page visit to take it all in. Here’s the link: (affiliate link)


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video #1: The sweet spot to making money online or offlinevideo that can be connected to the affiliate link
Please read: See the code below? Replace the “put your affiliate link here” in the beginning of the code, with your affiliate link. Then, copy the code and paste it into your website, blog post, social media website, Youtube comment, forum, etc. When people click it, they will be taken to your affiliate link. When someone makes a purchase using your affiliate link, you make $498.50 a sale.
video #2: The sweet spot to making money online or offline – with narrationvideo that can be connected to the affiliate link
Please read: See the code below? Replace the “put your affiliate link here” in the beginning of the code, with your affiliate link. Then, copy the code and paste it into your website, blog, etc. When people click on your affiliate link and make a purchase using your affiliate link, you make $498.50 a sale.
video #3:
Motivation videos that can be connected to the affiliate link
Please read: See the code below? Replace the “put your affiliate link here” in the beginning of the code, with your affiliate link. Then, copy the code and paste it onto your website or guest blog post. When people click it, they will be taken to your affiliate link. When someone makes a purchase using your affiliate link, you can earn $498.50
video #4:
Expert Secrets Webinar by Russell Brunson
videos that can be connected to the affiliate link
Please read: See the code below? Replace the “put your affiliate link here” in the beginning of the code, with your your affiliate link. Then, copy the code and paste it onto your website or guest blog post. When people click it, they will be taken to your affiliate link. You can earn $498.50 when someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase.
video #5: Digital Nomad strategies videos that can be connected to the affiliate link
Please read: See the code below? Replace the ‘”put your affiliate link here” in the beginning of the code, with your affiliate link. Then, copy the code and paste into your website or guest blog post. When people click it, they will be taken to your affiliate link. If they make a purchase using your affiliate link, you can make $498.50 a sale.


Helpful Stuff
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Why you need an autoresponder:
One of the best ways to sell anything online is to send a steady stream of e-mails, from 10 – 24, over a given period of time, say every 2-to-4 days or every 2-to-5 days or even once a week. However often you want to send the emails is up to you. This will remind the person receiving the email of the product you are selling while, hopefully, at the same time establishing trust with him. You can do this by putting your e-mails on auto pilot, with the use of an autoresponder. An autoresponder you may want to check out is TrafficWave – click here to visit their page.
What is an autoresponder?
An autoresponder is a SaaS (Software As A Service) tool that enables users to set up a series of emails that can be emailed at specific time intervals. Sending out emails this way allows readers and viewers to receive a “sequence” of emails whose goals is to establish trust and rapport with the reader. The goal is to build a relationship between the email sender and the email reader, so that the email reader is more “primed” or “more likely” to buy a product or service or both that is recommended by the email sender.Write an article or hire someone to write an articleHere’s a way you can, hopefully, promote and sell the e-book bundle using your affiliate link.Write an article or hire someone to write an article and include your affiliate link in the article.If someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn $498.50 per sale.Here are some links to article submission websites.
List of article submission websites
Leave comments with your affiliate linkAnother way you can promote your affiliate link is to leave a comment with your affiliate link in the comment.Leave a comment that offers informative content and then add a sentence like this: If you want, check out this amazing e-book bundle that shares the strategies you can use to make money flipping Real Estate and make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world. Visit: (your affiliate link) to find out more.

Places to share your affiliate link
1. Quora
1. Sign up with Quora.  Describe yourself as someone offering skills in making money online, flipping properties, or affiliate marketing
To get started as an affiliate for “the Flip Florida Land Ebook bundle”, follow these steps:
1. Click this link and sign up for a SendOwl account. It is free.
2. Once you join SendOwl, you can follow the instructions to get the affiliate link.
3. Once you get the affiliate link, share it and promote it and, with every sale you make using your affiliate link, you earn $498.50
4. If you don’t have a SendOwl account, click this link to get one. Signing up is free and takes about 5-to-10 minutes. areas that interest you or that you are learning or good at, or all three.
For example, if you’re into “building WordPress websites”, mention that.
If you’re into “copywriting”, mention that. If you’re into “social media marketing”, mention that. If you’re into “Real Estate investing for beginners”, mention that.example:
name: John Smith
social media marketing enthusiast, digital marketing
name: John Smith
real estate investing for beginners, flipping properties
2. Set up notifications with Quora so you get notified if someone asks a question pertaining to your category of interest. Answer that question.
This enables you to position yourself as a kind-of “authority” or “enthusiast” in that category, that area, and also as someone helpful, who “leads with value”.3. Lead with value. Be helpful. Post the affiliate link in the description near your name and, also, within the content of your answer.
2. Facebook Groups / Pages
1. Search Facebook for Pages and Groups that are in “Real Estate investing” and “Real Estate investing for beginners” and “making money with tax liens” and “making money with tax deed sales” and join the groups.
2. Describe yourself as someone offering skills in areas that interest.example:
name: John Smith
making money with tax liens and tax deed properties
name: John Smith
Real Estate investing for beginners, flipping properties
2. Set up notifications with that Facebook Page or Group so you get notified if someone asks a question pertaining to your category of interest. Answer their question.
This enables you to position yourself as a kind-of “authority” or “enthusiast” in that category, that area, and also as someone helpful, who “leads with value”.3. Often, Facebook Pages and Groups prohibit members from sharing links or affiliate links. Here’s a workaround for this. Answer people’s questions.
Be helpful. Invite the person to Private Message (PM) or Direct Message (DM) you if they need additional help. If or when they do, offer the additional help.
Add a P.S. to your message with this: “This course/video training/e-book bundle at (your affiliate link here) really made things easier to understand. I highly recommend.”4. As with Quora, lead with value. Be helpful. Then, offer the affiliate link.


About Kris Kemp
Kris Kemp (Michael Kemp) is a writer, musician, photographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur. He specializes in writing e-books and copywriting for sales pages, squeeze pages, landing pages and email sequences. Although he has a variety of interests, they share the common theme of freedom–health freedom, financial freedom, and travel/location freedom.
Kris Kemp


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Kris Kemp / / 347-557-5487