Frequently Asked Questions

Please Note: These are not “frequently asked questions”. I am typing the questions and the answers so you can get an idea of what I’m doing, and what I’m offering with “The Flip Florida Land Ebook bundle”.  Thank you for understanding.

1.  What is The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle?

The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle is collection of Ebooks, Video Training Modules, Resource Links, and Bonus Content that reveals strategies for making money flipping properties and making money online.  The size and scope of this Ebook Bundle is both massive and comprehensive.

2.  Who are you?

Hi. My name is Michael Kristopher Kemp. I go by the name Kris Kemp. I’m a writer, copywriter, musician, photographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur. I have a plethora of creative interests that appear to share the common theme of freedom–creative freedom, financial freedom, travel/location freedom, health freedom, and more.

3. If this is so profitable, why are you selling e-books, etc, on how to do this? Why not just keep it to yourself and make a bunch of money?

To answer the first question, because there are probably thousands of properties available in the State of Florida and other states, that can be purchased at bargain prices and sold for higher prices.  This can be done with very little money, with a low credit score, and even using someone else’s money. As I enjoy writing, sharing information, and creative projects, I’m assembling this into informative packages so others can learn how to do this, too.

To answer the second question, “why not just keep it to yourself and make a bunch of money”? The first question answers a part of this–there are are a lot of properties–land, houses, mobile homes–that can be purchased on the cheap in Florida or, using similar techniques, probably anywhere else in the United States. There appears to be a surplus of inventory. Another reason is that I’m venturing into other creative projects, so am not pursuing real estate investing as much. Also, I intend to travel. The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle offers a way for me to potentially earn money online from sales of the ebook bundle.

4. Why are you selling this course? Why not just give it away?

Generally speaking, people, sometimes, tend to value what they pay for. If a product or service costs something, then people are likely to value that product or service. If this course were free, people might be suspicious, distrustful, treat it with scorn, and not value it.

Another reason is that there are costs involved: website hosting, domain name purchase, hours of research, typing, possible autoresponder fees, etc.

5. Are these strategies guaranteed to help me make money?

No.  These strategies are not guaranteed to help you make money.

6. Is there a money-back guarantee for the course?

Yes. There is a 30-day, satisfaction guarantee or your money back. If, within the first 30 days of your purchase, you are not satisfied with the Ebook Bundle, you can request a refund. To request a refund, email: with “refund for Flip Florida Land Ebook bundle” in the subject line.

As there is a 30-day, satisfaction guarantee, this is, essentially a risk-free offer. You can buy the Ebook Bundle, try the Ebook Bundle and, if you’re unsatisfied with it, request a refund.

7.  Why the $997 dollar price?

The reason for the $997 dollar price is because The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle is both massive and comprehensive.  The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle includes Ebooks, Video Training Modules, Resource Links, and Bonus Content.  The $997 dollar price might seem like a high price, but the value of the content exceeds the dollar amount.

8.  Do you have an affiliate program and what’s the payout?

Yes.  For the affiliate program, click here.  The payout is about $498.50 per sale, when you make a sale using your unique affiliate link.  (The word “about” is used because there may be a few dollars and change subtracted for the use of a credit card, debit card, or other transaction fees.)

9. Can’t you just find this information on the internet for free?


10. What if I have additional questions?

If you have questions or comments, email: with “questions / comments for the Flip Florida Land E-book Bundle”.

11. Are these strategies guaranteed to make money?

This Ebook Bundle reveals some of the strategies that you can use to make money flipping properties and a variety of ways you can earn money online. However, due to a variety of factors, these strategies are not guaranteed to make money.

You’re welcome to purchase the Ebook Bundle and try it for yourself.  If, within the first 30 days of your purchase, you are unhappy with the ebook for any reason, you can request a refund.  Email:   with “request a refund for The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle”.

The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle offers strategies you can use to potentially make money flipping properties and make money online.  Expand your profits with the skills, tools, and systems that are explored in this Ebook Bundle. Order with confidence.

12.  How can I contact you?


Michael (Kris) Kemp


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Kris Kemp / / 347-557-5487